
How To Add Color Variation To Items On Kickstarter Rewards

Getting Started Guide


Congratulations! Your crowdfunding campaign was funded. Y'all have lots of happy backers awaiting their rewards.

Before you begin, yous can read the following help articles to familiarize yourself with the BackerKit procedure and terminology:

  • Overview: Surveys
  • Overview: SKUs

Permit's go started setting up your project in BackerKit so y'all can become the information you need from your backers, let them buy add together-on items, gear up for manufacturing, and ship your items.

On this page:

  • Import your Project
  • Ready Items in BackerKit
    • Ready your First Item
    • Set up the Residuum of your Items
  • Review your Pledge Levels
  • Manage Add-on Items
    • Review Add-on Items
    • Add Images for your Items
    • Change Add-on Detail Descriptions and Prices
    • Prepare upwardly Shipping Fees
    • Change Improver Item Availability
    • Change the Order of Add-on Items
    • Preview your Add-on Items in the Survey
  • Customize your Surveys
    • Preview your Survey
    • Personalize your Survey Emails
    • Preview your Survey Email
    • Permit your Backers Promote you on Social Media
    • Support Other Project Creators
  • Import your Backers
  • Prepare Payments
  • Ready up a Pre-Gild Store
  • Set upwardly Client Support for your Backers
  • Confirm Project Settings
  • Gear up Important Dates
  • Review Pricing
  • Asking a Review of your Projection

Import your Project

To get started, you'll need to import your project into BackerKit:

  1. Log in to your BackerKit account.
  2. Enter the spider web address (URL) of your project from your crowdfunding site.
  3. Bank check the I'm the owner of this project check box.

  4. Click Get Started and you'll be set to beginning setting upward your items.

Gear up Items in BackerKit

Setting upwards your items in BackerKit is the first footstep in getting your backers their rewards. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • The best way to begin setting upwardly your campaign is to follow the steps in the Quick Start Guide. While there a few ways you tin can edit and conform items, SKUs, and pledge questions, it'southward all-time to follow the Quick Offset Guide and make any adjustments once everything is set.
  • If you want BackerKit to handle your client support, you lot must take add together-on items in your project. If you ready your items following the Quick Commencement Guide, then your items are also gear up automatically as improver items.
  • Your backers will desire to order improver items. Yous tin create boosted items or offering items from your other reward levels. Add-on items are a keen manner for yous to generate extra revenue and for your backers to get more of your items.
  • Keep in mind that BackerKit will review your projection before you can transport out your surveys. This review is part of the service provided by BackerKit to make sure your backers accept no confusion when filling out their survey, and to make sure you become accurate item counts. The review can take upward to ii business days from when you submit your project for review.

Fix your First Detail

To see a video tutorial of how to set up your items, cheque out our video.

You'll begin by setting upwards all the items for your nearly pop pledge level. You'll see the dollar amount of the pledge level and the number of backers y'all have at this level.

To set up upwards your get-go item:

  1. Under What's the proper name of this item, specify the name of the item in a few brusque words. The name of the item is the basis for the SKU associated with this item.

  2. Next, under Does this item have whatever options, specify if the detail has whatsoever options. If you're non sure of the stardom between an particular and an choice for an item (besides referred to equally a variation), review the information in Overview: SKUs. Yous can specify upwardly to three options per detail.
  3. Blazon a description of the option and the choices for that choice. In one case you're done typing an choice choice, click the Add together <item name> menu to create the choice.The choices you enter here are the choices your backers come across. If you lot make an error, but delete the choice and make a new one.

    Notation: The guild in which y'all enter the choices is the order in which your backers will see them in the listing in their survey. Exist sure to enter the options in an social club that makes sense to your backers. For example, if your item is a t-shirt and you offer iii sizes, modest, medium, and large, yous should consider entering the sizes in ascending order. Discover that SKUs are automatically generated based on the particular and option names you enter. BackerKit automatically generates an individual SKU for each possible particular and option combination.

  4. Sometimes you won't offer an particular in a particular combination, such as a sure size and color combination. To remove items that you aren't offer, check the exclude check box next to the combination not offered.
  5. In Practise backers receive this particular as office of their pledge level, specify if this detail is part of a pledge level and if so, which pledge levels receive this item.

    Pro tip: If y'all are assigning the same quantity of an detail to multiple pledge levels, specify the quantity in the outset pledge level and then click the pointer adjacent to the QTY box to fill in the aforementioned quantity for all of the following pledge levels.

  6. Finally, in Tin backers select this as an additional particular, specify if this detail can exist purchased by your backers as an add-on item. Exist sure to list the price. You can fix up additional details for add-on detail sales in a separate step. For more than information, meet Manage Add-on Items.

    Best practice: Set all of your items equally add together-on items, even if yous don't intend to sell them separately.

  7. Click Create Item.

Subsequently you finish creating your item, you lot'll be taken to a sample of the survey your backers will receive. Here you lot tin can come across what your item looks similar in the survey. You tin can edit your survey question later, merely make certain everything looks right for your backers.

Fix the Balance of your Items

After creating your first item and reviewing how your pledge question looks in the survey, you lot tin create the remainder of your items:

  1. On the carte du jour on the left, click Quick Start Guide.
  2. Nether Gear up Your Project, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Generate Items to return to the Item Generator.
  4. Fix your next detail following the steps above.
  5. Repeat until all of your items are fix and accept an associated SKU.

When you finish setting upward your items, you can mark this step every bit complete:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Quick Outset Guide.
  2. Under Gear up Your Project, click View Checklist.
  3. Under Generate Items, select the Yep, I have created all my items cheque box.

Review your Pledge Levels

Once you create all of your items, you'll need to review that each pledge level contains the correct items for your backers.

To verify the information and items for each pledge level:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Quick Start Guide.
  2. Under Set Your Project, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Review Pledge Levels.
  4. On the Pledge Levels tab, make sure that each pledge level contains the items promised to your backers at that pledge level.
  5. Under each pledge level, review the information imported from your campaign in the Pledge Details box, such equally number of backers, if the backers receive a survey, and if your backers are charged a shipping fee.

  6. If you want to make changes to whatsoever of the information nigh your pledge details, click the Edit Details link.
  7. In the Pledge Items box, make certain there is a SKU for all the items for this pledge level that don't require further data from your backers.
  8. In the Pledge Questions box, make sure at that place is a pledge question for all the items that require further information from your backers.

Note: If you need to make changes to your pledge levels, contact us for assistance.

Manage Improver Items

Yous may have set up your improver items when you first set up your project. Now is the fourth dimension to add whatever additional items or pictures of your addition items, and fix upwardly your shipping fees.

Review Add-on Items

To meet all of your improver items:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Quick Start Guide.
  2. Under Set Up Your Project, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Prepare Up Add-ons.

You'll run across a consummate list of all of your addition items, prices, and shipping information.

Add together Images for your Items

To entice your backers to buy add-on items, you tin add together an epitome of the item:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Quick Commencement Guide.
  2. Under Prepare Up Your Project, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Set Upwards Add-ons.
  4. Click the edit link next to the add-on particular you lot want to add an image to.
  5. Nether Image Gallery, click Add/Edit to add your paradigm.
  6. When you've added your image, click Salve.

Change Add-on Detail Descriptions and Prices

If yous desire to update the description of your addition particular or adjust the price:

  1. On the carte du jour on the left, click Quick Start Guide.
  2. Under Gear up Up Your Projection, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Gear up Add together-ons.
  4. Click the edit link next to the add-on item you lot want to change.
  5. To change the clarification, in the Clarification box, type a new description of your detail.
  6. To modify the cost, in the Toll box, enter a new price.
  7. Click Save.

Fix Shipping Fees

Click here to learn virtually aircraft options offered in BackerKit.

To ready shipping fees for your add-on items:

  1. On the carte du jour on the left, click Quick Kickoff Guide.
  2. Under Ready Your Project, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Fix Add together-ons.
  4. Click the edit link next to the addition item you desire to alter.
  5. Under Shipping Fees, click Add New Shipping Fee or Add Eu Shipping Fee if y'all're aircraft to an European union country.
  6. Ready the shipping fee for each state where you send.
  7. If you don't demand to collect a shipping accost for this item, turn off Collect Shipping Address.
  8. When y'all're done calculation shipping fees, click Salve.

Pro tip: Exist sure to charge the correct amount for shipping your addition items by weighing your item and its packaging material and determining the price on the shipper's website. BackerKit's aircraft tables tin assist yous manage your shipping costs. For more informations, see How practice I set up up shipping tables?

Change Add-on Particular Availability

Y'all may want to offer certain add-on items merely to backers at certain pledge levels; for instance, as an upgrade to an existing item or allowing backers buy an item they passed on when they made their pledge.

To review the pledge levels where each add-on item appears:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Quick Start Guide.
  2. Under Fix Upwardly Your Project, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Set up Add-ons.
  4. Click the edit link next to the add-on detail yous want to view.
  5. At the bottom of the folio, nether Who gets to see this add-on, you'll run into all of pledge levels where this detail is available. You can conform who sees this add-on item by selecting the check boxes next to the different pledge levels.
  6. When you're done adjusting who can see the add together-on particular, click Save.

Change the Order of Add-on Items

If you want to change the order of your improver items:

  1. On the card on the left, click Quick Offset Guide.
  2. Under Set Your Project, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Set Up Add-ons.
  4. At the elevation of the screen, click the Sort Add-ons link.
  5. Click and drag an item to change where it appears in the listing of add together-on items.

Preview your Improver Items in the Survey

To see how your add-on items look to your backers in their survey:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Quick Get-go Guide.
  2. Under Gear up Up Your Project, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Set Up Add together-ons.
  4. At the top of the screen, click the Preview link.

You'll see a sample survey with the add-on items for a specific pledge level.

In that location are a lot of ways to customize addition items. For more data nearly the other ways to take advantage of some of the powerful features of BackerKit, see our Best Practices.

Customize your Surveys

Now that all of your items are correctly set, it's time to fine-tune your survey and encounter what it looks like to your backers.

Preview your Survey

To brand sure everything looks right to your backers, you can preview the survey for each pledge level:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Quick Start Guide.
  2. Under Set up Your Project, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Preview Surveys.
  4. Click the Survey Preview Tool tab.
  5. Select the pledge level you want to preview. If you ship to multiple countries, select a land too.
  6. Click Preview Survey.

You'll run across the survey equally your backers will see it. If something is incorrect, go back to the Quick Start Guide to make adjustments.

Personalize your Survey Emails

To add a personal bear upon, y'all may want to brand some adjustments to the survey emails you send. You can alter the name your backers see when they receive an email from you and add a small note. You tin can also add an epitome to your survey and survey email.

To personalize your emails and survey:

  1. On the carte on the left, click Quick Start Guide.
  2. Under Gear up Your Project, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Preview Surveys.
  4. Click the Custom Settings tab.
  5. Add any customizations for your emails and survey.
  6. Under Add a survey deadline, be sure to enter the date the surveys are due.
  7. Click Salve.

Preview your Survey Email

Afterward you customize your survey e-mail, yous can preview information technology to make sure everything is perfect:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Quick Showtime Guide.
  2. Under Set up Your Project, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Preview Surveys.
  4. Click the Survey Email tab.

Permit your Backers Promote yous on Social Media

Your backers think you're great and want to tell the whole world. Make it easy for them to share your social media information afterward they terminate their survey:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Quick Start Guide.
  2. Nether Ready Your Project, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Preview Surveys.
  4. Click the Social Media tab.
  5. Add your social media information.
  6. Click Save.

Back up Other Project Creators

Do you have a few crowdfunding projects you dear? Share them with your backers! Once your backers are done with their survey, we'll show them up to 3 other crowdfunding projects of your choice.

To pick the projects you want to share:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Quick Start Guide.
  2. Under Set Up Your Project, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Preview Surveys.
  4. Click the Pay It Forward tab.
  5. Add together the spider web address of the crowdfunding project you lot want to share.
  6. Click Add together Project.
  7. To preview how the projects you lot recommended appear to your backers, click the Preview the Share Page link.

Import your Backers

Congratulations! All the information you need to send your surveys is fix. Next we need to know who will be getting those surveys. We can import your capitalist information from your crowdfunding site, or if you have a file with all of your capitalist data, we can import that every bit well.

To import your backer data from your crowdfunding site:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Quick Beginning Guide.
  2. Under Customize Settings, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Import Backers.
  4. Enter your login information from your crowdfunding site and we'll import your backer information.

Fix Payments

In lodge to receive payment from your backers, you must have an account with Stripe. Stripe takes care of the credit menu processing and getting your payments from your backers to you. Stripe supports a growing list of currencies and a diversity of payment types.

To connect Stripe to your BackerKit projection:

  1. On the carte on the left, click Quick Start Guide.
  2. Under Customize Settings, click View Checklist.
  3. Click Gear up Up Payments.
  4. Click Connect with Stripe.
  5. If you already take a Stripe business relationship, click the Sign in link in the top right corner.
  6. If yous don't have a Stripe business relationship, enter the information required by Stripe and create your account.
  7. Under Set Currency, select the currency you desire to utilise.

Annotation: If you are on the Professional plan, you can use PayPal to process your payments. You must have a PayPal Premier or Concern Business relationship.

Set a Pre-Order Store

Once you add all of your items to BackerKit and fix your SKUs, you tin gear up a pre-order store to let anyone who may have missed out on your campaign buy your amazing items. You lot can offer any of the items yous fix in BackerKit in your pre-social club store and you can even accuse pre-gild customers a dissimilar price for your items.

For more information nigh setting up a pre-order store, see  How practise I prepare my pre-order store?

Set Customer Support for your Backers

If yous want BackerKit to handle front-line client support for your backers, nosotros're hither to practise that for you lot. Additionally, nosotros recommend setting upwardly a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page for your backers to provide answers to common questions and your shipping dates.

Note: The Lock Order Appointment for Backers selection is the date your backers tin brand changes to their order. You lot tin can await to specify this date until you're ready.

For more information virtually customer support, see the Backer Support page on our website.

Confirm Project Settings

Confirm your project settings including your project name, the custom URL you lot desire to use, how often you want to receive e-mail updates, your squad members, and payments.

Gear up Important Dates

Set the dates for dissimilar milestones in your project. Your best estimate is fine for now.

Review Pricing

Review your cost and make a payment. View pricing details here.

Request a Review of your Projection

In one case your projection is set up and you've picked your back up plan, BackerKit will review your projection, SKUs, and survey questions to brand certain everything will go smoothly one time your backers get their surveys. It can take upwards to ii business organization days for your review to exist completed.

When you're ready for review:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Quick Start Guide.
  2. Under Submit for Blessing, click Request Setup Review.
  3. Read the review requirements and check the Yep, I have read and concord to the above requirements cheque box.
  4. Click Asking Set up Review.


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